Sunday, August 29, 2010


Dennis asked me to send him some pictures of him when he was growing up.  I went through the photo album and picked out some pictures for my husband to send him.  When I came to the end of the photo album there was a precious letter I photocopied a long time ago. 

My Dad died when I was 6 years old.  He was a good Dad, but I don't have that many memories of him.  I did not understand his death or really grieve his death until I was 31 years old and my grandpa died.  When I went through that process my mom let me look through all of the stuff from his funeral.  In the stuff from the funeral I found a few precious letters and I am going to share one of those precious letters.

Dear Sue,

We're so very, very sorry.  I realize there's no way to offer comfort, and I won't be so dumb as to tell you I know how you feel because I'm sure I can't even imagine the pain and terrible emptiness you must feel.

I only met Jimmy once and the reason I remember him is the reason I feel I should write to you.  I believe I did write to you after I met him, because I wanted you to know that in my opinion he was a pretty exceptional man.  I have never before or since met a man who said such nice things about his wife to a complete stranger, (me) when she wasn't even there to be impressed.  I hope I did write to you Sue, and I hope you remember it, because I think it might be a small comfort to you to remember that you made him into a very happy husband.

All of the nice, casual, sweet things he said were just easy remarks made in the course of the conversation and they made me feel that he was a very contented man.  I'd be very proud if  I thought that I could make Jack feel as thoroughly contented.

Jackie was completely stunned when he heard about Jimmy.  The only things he remembers about Jimmy are the good things, such as the summer they worked together on the construction crew.

Jack and Marge are awfully concerned about you, as I'm sure everyone back there must be.

Well Sue I wish I could say something wonderful and inspiring, but I'm afraid the best that can be said has already been said by many and I'm sure it was very insufficient.  The best we can do is wish you strength and luck which are probably what you'll need the most.  Our prayers are with you too.


My Dad was a State trooper who died suddenly at the age of 32 of a heart attack.  Needless to say no one was expecting it.  My Dad did have a small life insurance policy which my mom was able to use wisely in raising us 3 kids.  I will not get an inheritance from him, but he left me with a heritage that is worth much more than any amount of money could buy.  My Mom never did remarry.  She said she could never find a man as good as my Dad. 

What heritage are you giving your children?

Proverbs 27:19 As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man.

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