In today's society church is not emphasized like it used to be. I was brought up thinking that church is a nice thing but not necessary for a Christian. You can still follow Christ and not go to church and listen to or watch tv preachers on tv or the radio. I was brought up the wrong way.
When I first accepted Christ I went to church faithfully and so did our children. Dennis was the baby that the nursery workers used to smile at and dread because he cried the whole time I was at church. I was faithful to come everytime the doors to church were open. I am sure there will be a special crown for the poor nursery workers that held Dennis while he screamed for an hour.
When we moved from Des Moines to Chicago I continued faithfully to be involved with church. We went to AWANA's on Monday's, Wednesday night Bible study and Sunday's we went to Sunday school, morning service and evening service. Our two sons were at church with me when ever the doors were opened. Please realize my husband supported us going to church but has never darkened the door of church except for Christmas programs or AWANA's awards.
When we moved back to Des Moines we were again active in church and then the church changed Pastors and I did not like the new Pastor and I started losing interest in church. Life got busy and our family got involved in Tae Kwon Do. The Tae Kwon Do school we went to was Christian based and in the end we used Tae Kwon Do as a substitute for church. It sounds nice and it looked good on paper but it is not God's plan. Church is for the church not to be replaced by Christian activities.
The results of my wandering away from the church resulted in our 2 sons almost getting involved in a cult. Someone who said he was a Christian had deceived our 2 sons, my husband and almost me. Only by God's grace and devine intervention did our family get out safely. I am sure we all have a few scars, but God has healed those wounds.
Do I like to go to church?? Not particularly, but I go because God says that He wants me to go. I do love my church and I am learning the importance of church in my spiritual growth and ministry.
Sometimes in your Christian walk you need to obey even if your spouse does not, even if it is not convinient, even if there are other things you would rather do, even if you feel awkward. Obedience is our job the results are God's job.
1Samuel 15:22 To obey is better than sacrafice.
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