One of the first phone conversations I had with my Aunt Judy soon after our first child was born was something like this; "Cindy I am so excited for you and your baby!!" "Thank you Aunt Judy." "Do you love Ryan?" "Of course I do!" I thought that was a dumb question for her to ask me. "Do you want other people to love Ryan?" Another dumb question. "Of course I do." "Then make him mind. People don't like bratty kids who are not their own." From my own personal experience I knew she was right.
I have observed that many parents do not take the responsibility to make their children mind. They expect other people to make the child mind or expect the child to magically mind on their own. By my Aunt Judy telling me that if I truly love my child I will make him mind she was putting the responsibility right where it belonged and that was in my lap.
Making children mind is work. It does not magically happen and just because they mind one day does not mean they will mind the next day. Again my Aunt Judy told me don't tell your child no unless you are willing to reinforce the no. She told me if you are too tired to get up off the couch to correct your child, then just don't tell them no. I took her advice. I knew telling our children no meant that I may have to follow up with consequences. The funny thing is I only had to follow up a few times and then when I said no they knew if they did not do as I said there would be consequences. I did not mind taking our children with me everywhere, why?? because they minded.
Yes I truly do love our 2 sons and thank you Aunt Judy for telling me what to do so others would love them too.
Proverbs 20:11 "Even a child is known by his actions, by whether his conduct is pure and right."
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