Tuesday, December 14, 2010

United We Stand

Matthew 12:25 Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, "Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself wtill not stand."

It takes two people to have a child.  That is God's design for a family.  If you love a man or woman enough to have sex with them, then you should love them and the child that comes out of that union enough to stay together.  Putting up a united front when it comes to your child, makes your child have a strong and firm foundation to grow and develop and become the person God made them to be.

Children often times know how to pit one parent against another.  Where do they learn how to do that??  From their parents.  If a Mom or Dad tells the child they don't have to do what one parent says then that is teaching your child that he or she can pit one parent against the other.  It also teaches the child how to manipulate people and be deceptive.  It also teaches them to not respect authority and that yes does not mean yes and no does not mean no.  Your child will not have a firm foundation.  Without a firm foundation your child and family will not be able to stand.

I did not always agree with what my husband said.  I often times thought he was a bit too hard on our children, but I never disagreed with him in front of our children.  I sometimes would talk to him after the kids were asleep.  He usually stuck with what he said and I carried out what he wanted me to do.  One time he thought I was too hard and I stuck to my guns and he ended up agreeing with me. 

By putting up a united front it is a real safety net when your child becomes a teenager.  Your child will know that they cannot manipulate you or your spouse and your family and child will stand.  Your family will have a firm foundation.

A united front also is a safety net.  No one loves your child as much as you and your spouse love your child.  Sometimes our children break our hearts.  Your spouse is there to help you and you are there to help your spouse through the tough times.  

Unfortunately many households are single parent households, but the same concept still applies even if you are not living with your child's father or mother.  You may have very hard feelings toward your ex, but your ex is still your child's father or mother.  If he or she is really a jerk let your child see it for themselves, you should not point it out.  Your other half is still part of your child and when you bad mouth your child's other parent, you are bad mouthing part of them.  Be willing to share the good parts of your ex with your child, because that is still a part of your child's heritage.  YOU are the one who chose to have sex with your ex it is not your child's fault.  If you can still have a united front with your ex, then your child will be all the better for it.

Aunt Judy was always adament about a good marriage and a united front.  I am glad she was always there to talk me through the times when it was hard to put up a united front, but in the end by God's grace our family did stand. 

Are you building a strong foundation for your child??


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