Sunday, February 19, 2012


About six weeks ago I woke up on Sunday morning remembering my childhood.  When I was very young, about 40 years ago, Sunday's were different than the other days of the week.  There were very few stores, restaurants and gas stations open on Sundays.  We went to church and my mom fixed a Sunday dinner or we went to my Grandma's house.  The TV was not on during the day on Sunday.  Then it all changed.  It did not happen all at once, but gradually. First Hy-Vee (grocery store) started being open on Sundays, then gradually more gas stations, restaurants and eventually retail stores were open on Sundays.  To begin with the hours were shorter on Sundays, but gradually the hours became more and more extended.  Granted many stores and restaurants are not opened as long on Sundays, but they are still open most of the day.

I have a friend who decided along with her husband that they would set aside Sundays to the Lord.  They would go to church and church fellowships, but when it came to work, they would not do it on Sundays.  My friend started this eight years ago, her husband since has passed away, but she continues to keep Sundays set aside to the Lord.

Since I woke up six weeks ago remembering what Sundays were like when I was a child, I decided to try to make Sundays special and set aside to the Lord.  I am a regular attender of church, so the going to church was no different.  What I have started doing differently is I cut back on my media on Sundays.  I check my phone, but not as often, I don't get on the computer or turn on the TV until Sunday evening.  I also try to get all of the laundry, shopping, gas etc.. done on Saturdays.  Now on Sundays I go to church, read Christian books, take walks, naps and just enjoy doing nothing.

I am still working on setting aside Sundays, but so far I really like it and I feel it makes my week much better.  This world is busy and crazy, by me setting aside Sundays and slowing down, it makes me rested and more able to listen to that small still voice.

Exodus 20:8  "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy."

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