In life I tend to be the golfball and my husband the egg. By me saying this I am only talking physically. My husband has much more inner strength than I ever could. As a golfball, I have had to be in the waiting room a lot and also have had to be an advocate for my egg. I have some tips for you if you are a golf ball married to or taking care of an egg.
- If your loved one in in the hospital, plan on being their main care giver. Aunt Judy clued me in on this one. The nurses are busy and take care of the basics, but they can not give your loved one the care you can.
- Make friends with the nurses. They will be more likely to give your loved one a bit better care.
- Tell the nurses of any concerns you have. A Dr. tried putting my husband on a medication I was concerned about. I told the nurse of my concern and why. She made sure she told the Dr., and my husband was taken off of the medication.
- Tell everyone who is caring for your egg, your eggs allergies and past history. I have found that the Dr.'s often need to be reminded. My egg has an allergy to a pain medication, he had a big red wristband that said he was allergic to this medication and when the Dr. came to see him before his surgery I mentioned it to the Dr.. The Dr. ended up asking for another prescrip pad because he had to change my husbands pain prescription.
- Keep a list of all of your eggs medications in your billfold. When we were in our car accident I was able to give the EMT's my egg's medications, social security number and his past history. It was very helpful. Aunt Judy suggested I do this too.
Psalm 23:1 The Lord is my shepherd.
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