Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Being Still

In the past months I have really felt like God has told me to be still.  I must admit that it was not something I wanted to hear, and it is not easy to comply with.  When I first felt God telling me to be still I thought it would only be for a few days.  I was wrong.  God's timing is never the same as mine.  Then I started testing the boundaries and again the answer was still the same, be still.

Let me clarify, being still does not mean that I sit at home and do nothing, it means that I need to cease working and fretting about a certain circumstance in my life.  God wants me to be still about it. 

Here are some things I have learned about being still:
  • It is not easy.
  • It is all about faith.
  • In Exodus God told Moses to be still right before He parted the Red Sea.
  • Being still also means having to face myself and coming to repentance.
  • Being still is a spiritual battle.  Satan loves to make you start wandering off the path God has clearly set forth for you.
  • It is acceptance of my circumstances and actually strengthening of my faith.
  • Once I have come to terms with being still it is actually peaceful.
There is a difference between waiting and being still.  Either one is not fun or easy, but both I am sure are worth the wait..

"The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still."  Exodus 14:14